I’m proud to finally introduce you to my editorial staff. I would have done it sooner but I’ve had difficulty getting them to pose together for a photo.
The editorial staff at Detroit Moxie.Frankie Doodle Davis, my editor in chief, is perched at the top. He has his claws and isn’t afraid to use them to slash my posts in half. He’s MY boy.
Next is Owl-y Bird. She’s the only girl and the baby. She doesn’t really like being an intern and takes it out on the rest of the staff by eating paper. Oh, and she entertains us by playing the piano. Seriously!
Then we have Stoney, the Director of Naps and Licking. He’s very committed to his job. He’s a big boy but full of love and fluff.
Sylvester, Stoney’s littermate, is on the bottom rung. His nickname is Silly but he’s very skittish. He only likes it if you pet him with your feet. That can be awkward. Yeah, he doesn’t really do any work.
1. Clay, Glass & Metal Show - This street fair is dedicated to artwork created with heat. Attendees can help create a mosaic that will later be displayed at the Royal Oak Public Library. June 12-13.
2. Detroit Wig Out - Sport a wig at this crazy one-night party benefitting the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link of Southfield. Good music & great fun! June 12. Wig Out for Kids on June 13.
3. Cars and Coffee™ - Gather with other car lovers, kick some tires, and have a cup of java. Classics, exotics, concepts, hotrods, and motorcycles will all be represented! June 12.
4. Berkley Art Bash - The 9th annual bash features amazing art, food, music and and fun activities for the kiddies. June 12.
5. Kids Read Comics - This free convention brings together kids, teens, parents, teachers and librarians with professional artists and writers from the comics and annimation fields. Introduce your kids to the world of comics and imagination! June 12-13.
Do you know of a great event going in on Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!