Detroit news you can use | Plus win tickets to the Best of Detroit party

Links from around Detroit
Eastern Market announced yesterday that starting July 12th the popular market will be open on Tuesdays from 11am to 7pm. The weekday version will offer a smaller sampling of its usual Saturday fare.
- While at the Schwankovsky a few weeks ago for vitaminwater uncapped we noticed a martini glass in the sky. Seriously! The martini glass was situated on top of the David Stott Building and now we know why. The SkyBar recently opened on the ground floor of the building.
- The Catherine Ferguson Academy, an alternative high school for pregnant teens, is scheduled to close on June 17th. The school has a 90% graduation rate and is instrumental in turning these girls lives around and stopping the cycle of teenage pregnancy. A rally is scheduled for tomorrow, June 16th to save the school.
- More bad news on the food truck front in Detroit. Officials and antiquated laws are keeping them at bay. However, I did learn about a food truck that had previously not been on my radar. Follow Concrete Cuisine on Twitter and Facebook to find out their location du jour.
- The original Emancipation Proclamation document is on loan from the National Archives and available for viewing at The Henry Ford for a really limited time. The document will be on display from the evening of Monday, June 20th to the morning of Wednesday, June 22nd. The event runs around-the-clock and is free to the public. This is a unique opportunity and shouldn’t be missed.
Win tickets to the Best of Detroit party at the Soundboard at Motor City Casino
Hour Magazine’s Best of Detroit Party features hors d’oeuvres and drinks from 30 restaurants! My favorite soul man, Mayer Hawthorne & The County, are performing along with the Killer Flamingos and DJ powdrblu. Tickets are available here.
I’m giving away a pair of tickets to one lucky Detroit Moxie reader. These are $85 tickets, people! And the Motor City Casino knows how to throw a party.
How to win:
Add a comment to this post with your favorite place in metro Detroit. Bar, restaurant, park, cultural institution, shops, etc. Anything goes! You must leave your email address when leaving the comment or you won’t be eligible. (I need to be able to contact you if you win!)
For an additional entry, tweet the following:
I want to win tickets to the #BestofDetroit party @motorcitycasino from @becksdavis & Detroit Moxie. #moxietix
For the additional entry, you must have already left a comment on the post with your favorite place.
The contest ends on Sunday, June 19th at 11:59 p.m. EDT. The winner will be announced on Monday, June 20th. I will select the winner using
So, what's your favorite place in Detroit?

Reader Comments (57)
Drat, my email.. Totally forgot to include it last time! :-)
Favorite place in Detroit? Mudgie's. Absolutely LOVE their food. So amazing.
I would have to say that my favorite place in the city is Home! our house was designed my my partner's father and it's amazing! Of course, like the home of anyone struggling these days, she needs some TLC, but having a place in the D is wonderful and I hope you all get a chance to check out our place in SW Detroit at some point!
I love so many places in Detroit, it is truly hard to pick just one. I will say that it would have to be Orchestra Hall. It was my first real experience in the city when I moved here my freshman year of HS. Then a year later I was playing on that same stage for the Spring concert for GPS. I smile every day I am on the bus going to and from work.
My other favorite spot is in the Rivera Court in the DIA. I could spend all day looking at Detroit Industry and still never get sick of it.
This is a tough one. It's so hard to choose...but I'm going to have to go with Comerica Park. I know it's pretty mainstream, but nothing beats a baseball game on a nice night in Detroit.
Fav place in Detroit-- there's nothing like the sights, smells and sounds of the Eastern Market on a lovely Saturday morning :-)
Great post, Becks! Enjoyed reading it and all of these awesome comments. Looks like I have a few new spots to check out (thanks, Toka313!)
My fav spots in Detroit: Cafe D'Mongo's, Oslo and drum roll... TV Lounge
Nothing beats hitting up the second floor of the Detroit Beer Co. before a Tiger's game, a spa day at D. Tour Spa in Motor City Casino or a good concert at the Fillmore.
My favorite place in Detroit is, hands down, Comerica Park. Especially while watching the Tigers win! Runners up would be Mudgies in Corktown and Chene Park for an evening concert.
I'm still working on your bucket list, but I'd have to say I really enjoy Story Slam evenings at Cliff Bell's in Detroit! And their cocktails are AMAZING. Other than that, the Rust Belt Market in Ferndale I go to every weekend, it's the best!
I have way too many favorites, however...almost every visit involves a trip to Good Girls for crepes! yum!
Favorite Venue: Comerica Park
Favorite Restaurant: Slows BBQ
Keep all these awesome contests coming!
Thanks Becks!
I'm not sure if everyone looks at this as an institution these days but I love the old train station. I think it looks majestic. If you wanted me to pick a bar I'd go with Cafe D'Mongo's. Just weird enough to be a Detroit classic!
My favorite spots would have to be: Slows, Good Girls Go To Paris, and Eastern Market!
My favorite spot in metro Detroit is Belle Isle, particularly the conservatory.
The People Mover stations! The tile work is amazing and a true hidden gem in the city. I had wedding photos taken in the Fort/Cass stop and organize an annual "People Mover Pub Crawl" to make sure my friends get to enjoy this great display of craftsmanship.
The beer selection at Grand Trunk/Forans on Woodward can't be beat. I love stopping in there for a brew after work. My running club meets there occasionally and they give us a $2 beer special. Doesn't get much better then that after a long run along the riverfront
My all time favorite place in Detroit is The Old Miami. Located on Cass just south and across the street from Slows to Go, The Old Miami boasts bike/vehicle friendly parking, great bands from all over the world, awesome drink specials, and a gorgeous park like setting in the back yard. Please visit their Facebook page, and like them too!
Gotta love the arts - DIA, MOCAD,FOX Theatre and all the other independent galleries & slam locales. I'm still trying to find them all.
Mexican town all the way. In fact we are headed there tonight!
My favorite place is the Detroit Science Center. I bought a membership will my son was 4 and it has been some of the best money I have ever spent. The traveling exhibits are awesome and everyone should checkout the Dinosaur exhibit before it leaves.