The Belle Isle Ice Tree on December 30, 2011. If you look closely at the top of the tree, you can see the water spraying.After a disappointing year without the Belle Isle Ice Tree, I can confirm that it’s back for 2012. A few quick drive-bys on Detroit’s island park last week show that the trees are stacked but more importantly—the water is on! Last year, the trees were stacked but the water was never turned on.
Now, we just have to wait and see if Mother Nature will cooperate this year. The first year that I saw the Ice Tree was in 2009 and the chilly weather and precipitation made it absolutely stunning. In 2010, the tree was big and beautiful but just not as monstrous, charming or animated as it was the previous year. And, of course, 2011 will go down as the Year without the Belle Isle Ice Tree.
I hate to wish for freezing cold temperatures and snow but we do live in Michigan and these things will happen, whether I wish for them or not. So, come on Mother Nature—do your thing!
Yes, my love for the Belle Isle Ice Tree is borderline obsessive—just search for it in the sidebar if you don't believe me—but it's unique and everyone should see it in person.
It’s going to take at least a few weeks, possibly a month or more, for it to be in all its glory. If you do head out there, be careful! The ice on the ground around the tree can be treacherous. Wear boots, ice cleats or crampons if you want to get up close and personal with Detroit’s favorite tree.
I’ll be checking on the progress of the Ice Tree throughout the winter and will post updates. Feel free to post your photos on the Detroit Moxie Facebook page.