Detroit Moxie's Weekend Roundup
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 8:03PM
Becks Davis in Arts & Apples, Detroit, Detroit, Detroit Challenge, Old Car Festival, Smith House, UniverSoul Circus, Urban Scavenger Race, dally in the alley, events in detroit, frank lloyd wright, things to do in Detroit, weekend in detroit

Weekend Roundup

1. UniverSoul Circus Detroit - The circus is in town! Head to the big top in Chene Park for this interactive combination of circus arts, theater, and music including Pop, Classic R&B, Latin, Hip Hop, Jazz and Gospel. September 5—15.

2. Arts & Apples Festival - Now in its 48th year, the juried fine arts festival features local entertainment, a Kids Art Zone, Activity Zone, food courts and apples! September 6—8.

3. Dally in the Alley - There is no other fest like the Dally! Celebrate the Cass Corridor neighborhood with local musicians, artists, restaurants and vendors. September 7th.

4. Tour Frank Lloyd Wright’s Smith House - I've talked about the Smith House before but now you can get inside of the house that Wright called, "My little gem." September 8th and October 13th.

5. Old Car Festival - The grounds of Greenfield Village are the perfect setting to view cars from the 1890s through 1932. September 7—8.

Bonus: Detroit Challenge Urban Scavenger Race

Do you know of a great event going on in Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!

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