Detroit Moxie's Weekend Roundup

Today, November 5th, is Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, and it is mainly celebrated in the UK. It marks the foiled Gunpowder Plot of 1605 where Guy Fawkes and other conspirators tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
So, if the husband and I hadn’t moved back here last year we would be headed out to watch the fireworks this weekend to celebrate Bonfire Night. We’re in Detroit now so there won’t be any fireworks displays this weekend but there are many other events to check out.
Weekend Roundup
1. An Evening with Anthony Bourdain - The celebrity chef, who recently spent time in Detroit for his show No Reservations, will be speaking at the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor. November 7th.
2. Owl Festival - These nocturnal creatures will be celebrated with crafts, presentations, and an owl prowl. Meet live owls! November 7th.
3. Accidental Mummies of Guanajuato - This is exhibit at the Detroit Science Center features 36 accidental mummies on loan from Guanajuato, Mexico. Now through April 11, 2010.
4. J. Chris Newberg - Enjoy the comedic stylings of this native metro Detroiter at Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle. November 5-7.
5. British Television Advertising Awards 2009 - Britain's commercials are a bit more cutting edge than those here in the U.S. and this looks to be an entertaining evening. The Detroit Film Theater at the DIA is one of the few American stops on the tour. November 6-8.
Do you know of a great event going in on Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!

Reader Comments (5)
Also: American Cancer Society's Cattle Baron's Ball. Plus a cool afterglow "More Bull" that's new!
Thanks for sharing that Cheryl!
On Sunday The Mariner's Church downtown rings the bells at its annual Great Lakes Memorial Service, a rite forever commemorated in "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald." A fascinating piece of Detroit history and heritage:
Now you just need to build a bonfire!
Thank you! I tried to get down to the Great Lakes Memorial Service but didn't make it, I got downtown too late.
Hmm, I think my neighbors would get nervous if I started a bonfire. But it's a fabulous idea!