Donate old cell phones to Verizon HopeLine

Do you have an old cell phone lying around your house? In the quest to stay up-to-date in this wild world of technology many of us do. I think we have four old phones sitting around our house right now. Just gathering dust, never to be used again.
Have you or someone you’ve known been affected by domestic violence? The statistics show that nearly one in four women, one in nine men, and over 3 million children have been affected by domestic violence.
So, what do old cell phones and domestic violence have to do with each other?
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Verizon Wireless and their long-running HopeLine program collects wireless phones to be refurbished or recycled.
Verizon then donates wireless phones and airtime to domestic violence survivors, shelters, and prevention centers around the country.
One phone call can save a life or stop abuse. One cell phone can change a woman’s life and get her to a safe place.
HopeLine also keeps the old cell phones and their batteries out of our landfills.
How many old cell phones do you have lying around? What are you waiting for? Donate them to the HopeLine program and your old phones can make a difference in someone's life.
Learn more about how you can donate your old cell phones and the HopeLine program here.
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