Answering Questions about Detroit

I love finding out how Detroit Moxie readers land here; it's fun, interesting, and sometimes disturbing. Some of the searches are looking for more information about Detroit so I thought I’d answer a few questions. A few of them aren’t about Detroit at all but I’m going to answer them anyway.
Keep in mind, these are actual queries AND people actually arrived at Detroit Moxie by googling them. I’m not making this up! I have only fixed spelling and capitalization and put some of them in the form of a question.
Questions about Detroit
1. What’s the name of the Belle Isle Bridge?
The MacArthur Bridge connects Belle Isle to the rest of Detroit.
2. When is Flower Day at the Detroit Farmers Market 2010?
Flower Day 2010 is Sunday, May 16th and I’m not being snarky but it’s Eastern Market.
3. How do you pronounce Hamtramck?
4. How do you pronounce Campau?
5. Where to get dill pickle soup in Hamtramck?
I’m not a dill pickle soup lover but my friends prefer it at Polonia. And, according to them, Polish Village doesn’t have it everyday.
6. How did the Heidelberg Project get its name?
Well, Tyree Guyton, the creator of the Heidelberg Project can trace his roots back to the Baden-Württemberg area of Germany. Specifically, his family hails from Heidelberg and he was so inspired by… Just kidding! The Heidelberg Project is on Heidelberg Street and that’s how it got its name.
7. What is the distance around the GM Renaissance Center?
The central tower, which is the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, has a diameter of 188 feet. The walkway that goes around the mezzanine level is about one-eighth of a mile.
8. What shops are in the Guardian Building?
Pure Detroit, Motor City Sweets & Treats (which is inside Pure Detroit), Bank of America, Andy’s Convenience Store, and the Rowland Café which is named after the architect of the Guardian Building, Wirt Rowland.
9. What's in an Irish Goddess at Dick O'Dow's?
Multiple flavors of vodka, a splash of sour mix, and 3 splashes of cranberry juice. Shaken.
Questions about the UK and Elsewhere
10. Do Americans know the difference between the Union flag and the English flag?
I’m afraid many don’t. The flag of England is the St. George’s Cross. The Union flag is the British flag. If you ask my husband he’ll add that you can only call it a Union Jack if it’s on a boat. Otherwise it should be called the Union Standard or the Union flag.
St. George's Cross
Union flag11. Is St. Patrick an Irishman or an Englishman?
The patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, is indeed British. Now don’t ask me if he was Welsh, Scottish, or English. I’m not going there. Sheesh, do you think I was a history major or something?
And the mystery query is...
Someone arrived here by searching for “everybody saw my husbands penis story" and I'm not really sure how that happened. Because I know everybody hasn’t seen my husbands penis. And there isn’t a story. I’m pretty sure I’ve never used the word penis in any of my posts. Until now. Oh crap!
I look at my search queries daily but it was a fun little project to go through each and every one of them and find some quick questions I could answer. I did get some great ideas for future posts and look forward to working on them.

Reader Comments (11)
I really shouldn't have read the "mystery query" while eating my lunch. I nearly spit my drink out of my mouth due to uncontrollable laughter. Also, you had me going for a second on the Heidelberg project.
Fun post! :)
Sorry Andrew, I guess I should have put a warning before that one! :) Glad you enjoyed it!
Too funny! Are you -sure- about your husband's...uh...body part thing? <heh> I can only imagine the queries that will bring people here after you used the "P word" in this post :lol:
I have to offer my opinion on the soup. Under the Eagle on Joseph "Com-POE" is da bomb. You may feel like you're eating in you grandmother's church's rec room, but the Dill Pickle soup makes up for the atmosphere's short comings.
Very nifty factoids. What a great idea, to answer burning questions out of the goodness of your heart, and to educate us at the same time! You had ME going on the Heidelberg Project too!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that EVERYBODY hasn't seen it. I did ponder if I should include it or not because of future hits but it was too funny not to.
Thanks for the tip on Under the Eagle.
Thanks, it was fun to do! I'm so happy that I had you and Andrew going on the Heidelberg Project.
I buy what ever Becks is selling.
Thanks Charlie!
First off, I think an Irish Goddess at Dick O'Dow's should be an easy sell for you. It's a pink drink. Secondly, let me tell you about this bridge...
Polish Village always has dill pickle soup. And I also disagree with your friends about it being better at Polonia. Polish Village for me.
However, if you're starving, the portions are huge at Under the Eagle.
Thanks for adding your two-cents. I'm 100% Polish but I don't do the dill pickle soup. I hope I don't lose my Polish card for admitting that. :) I'm a fan of Polish Village.
I'm a originally from Detroit, Northlawn & Puritan! I love reading about our facts and history, it makes me a little homesick and I want to get back to see my family when I read from this site. I'll probably head back this fall when the Lions are on their march to the Super Bowl! GO DETROIT!