Who the Heck is this Becks Davis Chick?

There are a few posts that I’ve been meaning to write for a while now. These aren’t posts about Detroit; they are just bits and pieces that will let you get to know me better. They range from the very basic facts to the essence of my being. I mean, who the heck is Becks Davis?
My hyper obsession with Detroit and my English husband aren’t the only things that have influenced my life. Odd, I know, but there is actually more to me than that.
These posts can be the hardest to write and the easiest to put off.
So, because I’ll keep procrastinating and you may never find out my true thoughts on broccoli, I’m giving myself a deadline. I’m also giving you a choice and you can keep me accountable.
I’m going to give you two topics with very vague titles and you can decide which one I’ll write about. Why the vague titles? Well, because I can. And, because I haven’t written these posts yet and am not sure which direction they’ll take. I do know what they are about, though.
All I will say is that they will give you more insight into who I am. Oh, and that one of them will give you more insight than the other.
Without further ado, the two topics are:
Bent Out of Shape
Walking on Sunshine
Bent Out of Shape vs. Walking on SunshineLet me know in the comments which you would like me to write about and I’ll post it by the end of next week. I promise that the title will make sense once you read the post. The songs and/or albums or artists have absolutely nothing to do with the eventual content.
Oh, and if you happen to be my parents, my BFF, my college roommate, or my favorite cousin and have figured out where I’m going with this, please don’t give it away. That would suck.
P.S. The title may change when I publish the post.
What's it going to be? Bent Out of Shape or Walking on Sunshine?
Read Bent out of Shape or Walking on Sunshine.

Reader Comments (28)
Bent out of Shape... very cool album covers. Don't really know either group but Walking on Sunshine I have heard the song before.
I'll go with Bent out of Shape! Becks, I had a feeling you are more complex than you let people see you. I cannot wait to learn more about you.
Let's go for Bent
walking on sunshine, obviously!
I'll tie it at 3-3 by opting in for "the love that's really real" . . . and has fortunate ones among us walking on sunshine. And don't it feel good!
I figure the other post will be about recycling your wire frock hangers from the dry cleaner, so that can wait . . . not that you won't execute dazzling twists as well as bends.
Lastly, just to lock in this blogger-readership contract: Does "by the end of next week" mean close of business Friday, May 28, or bedtime Sunday, May 30?
My vote is for Bent Out of Shape!
It's a tough choice, but I have to vote for Walkin on Sunshine!
Just to clarify (per Alan) that I'll post this by or on Friday, May 28th and I'll keep the voting open until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 21st. Keep the votes coming!
Bent out of Shape. It just sounds more interesting!
Sunshine! Since its so nice outside, lets go with the positive sounding one.
^ A star-spangled Memorial Day weekend gift from Young Glory! ^
But uh-oh: With the early balloting still even at 5-5, perhaps you'll need a tie-breaker question.
WOW they both sound good, that is a tough call because I would normally go for the cheery sounding one (esp since I could use some good news right now). However, I think bent out of out of shape is more intriguing and I really want to know what that is about...so I am going with Bent :D
Walking on Sunshine--the energy sounds so much better...besides, it allows you to incorporate bent out of shape and turn it to walking on sunshine by the mere fact that you got to vent about it. Not sure that made sense, but in my head it did.... ;-)
Walking on Sunshine! Cuz I'm a sunshine girl! And the content sounds like it would be much more positive and upbeat, which flows with my mojo too. :)
Regardless of the winner, I look forward to what you write...always good stuff!
Walking on Sunshine sounds more optimistic. Although, Walking on Sunshine post might be the downer post while Bent Out of Shape may be the more optimistic one. So...the more optimistic one.
I vote for "Bent".
No particular reasoning behind it though, the coin was heads. :-)
I tend to choose positive options, so Walking on Sunshine would be the obvious pick for me. However... both titles could go either way. And I have a feeling Bent Out of Shape will be a lot more fun.
So Bent Out of Shape gets my vote.
Bent out of shape (just so I don't have the walking on sunshine song going through my head more than it already is)
BOOS. I love ghosts.