We're hitting the road & taking the Moxie south

We’ve got a crazy couple of weeks coming up here—we’re going on a road trip! Actually, we’re going on two separate road trips.
The Fiat 500. First impression: very cute and stylish.
First, we’re heading out today in a new Fiat 500 and taking it on a test drive to Nashville with a stop in Cincinnati. In Nashville, we’ll attend the Fiat FreakOut, an annual event of Fiat Lancia Unlimited Club members.
My husband and I will be in one car and my buddy Brian Ambrozy from Icrontic.com will be in a separate car. It’s not a race, though. But I might sing "Convoy."
‘Cause we got a little ol’ convoy
Rockin’ through the night.
Yeah, we got a little ol’ convoy,
Ain’t she a beautiful sight?
Much of our time in Nashville is spoken for but if you have any must-do’s please let me know. We’ll also have an evening in Cincinnati (which I can finally spell correctly—three N’s & one T) so I’m looking for suggestions there too. I’ve already got quite the list for both places but I don’t want to miss anything.
I hate missing cool things to do!
We fly back from Nashville on Sunday, July 24th getting in just around midnight. We’ll have a day back in Detroit before heading out on our second trip on July 26th.
The second trip is a tour of Northwest Ohio, Toledo and Cedar Point. Yes, they had me at Cedar Point!
I’ve been wanting to get down to Toledo and hit up a Mudhen’s game and try out this Tony Packo’s I keep hearing about. The Toledo Zoo is also on the list and I have fond memories of my grandmother taking me there to see the pandas when I was young.
Crazy little factoid: My husband and I haven't been out of the state of Michigan since we arrived in December of 2008. I know, weird! But when you have the beauty of Pure Michigan why would you go elsewhere? Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee—you are on notice—dazzle me. We're coming at ya!
So stay tuned and follow our adventures here, on Facebook, Twitter, and possibly even the new-fangled Google+.
Disclosure: Fiat USA has provided a Fiat 500 for me to use for the trip down to Nashville as well as accommodations, airfare home, gas, and some meals. Destination Toledo and Cedar Point are sponsoring the media tour of Northwest Ohio. All of my expenses for that trip are provided except for transportation and incidentals. The opinions and words expressed here are my own.

Reader Comments (4)
I'd highly suggest Kings Island if you're into theme parks. I grew up with Kings Island instead of Cedar Point, so I'm a little biased (the beast...at night... *SWOON*)
While in Cincinnati, I highly suggest you check out Jungle Jim's International Market. http://www.junglejims.com/
It is definitely foodie heaven and has one of the largest beer and wine selections I have ever seen in addition to a HUGE international food selection (including lots of my favorites from the UK and Europe). Definitely worth visiting!
Do you like ribs? the Montgomery Inn in Cincinnati has been around since the Rat Pack days when Frank and the boys had them shipped all the way to Vegas or Tahoe. There are multiple locations, but I've only been to the Boathouse on the the Ohio River downtown. Speaking of the river, there is a beautiful river walk downtown that is longer, wider and with more trees than our river walk in Detroit.
When coming back and heading to Toledo, I hope you also get a chance to visit the Toledo Museum of Art. It is huge and their display of glass art is one of my wife's favorite places to see.
Also, visiting South Bass Island is always an adventure. The bars there are second to none and they also have a great winery. Just, don't get tipsy, and try to escape a hit and run in a golf cart. (They aren't fast enough for the get away. Ask my wife.)