Splashing away at Castaway Bay

Detroit can be cold and gloomy in January and the winter months (I know, Captain Obvious here) so the husband and I decided to get away with an escape to splish and splash in constant 82-degree weather. Did we head to Florida or another equally balmy locale? Nope, we headed down to Sandusky, Ohio to enjoy the Castaway Bay Indoor Water Park.
If you’ve kept track of my husband's and my escapades over the years, you already know that Andy is a roller coaster freak and a big kid at heart. Yes, he’s like an overgrown six-year-old. He’s also been dying to get to a water park since we moved here just over 3 years ago.
We both took off of work early on a Friday and trundled down I-75 and the Ohio Turnpike with the threat of snow being thrown in our face by the weathermen and safely made it to Sandusky before the snow began to fall. After checking-in to the hotel and settling into our room we ventured out to explore the resort at Castaway Bay.
Having skipped lunch to get on the road, we were both starving. We nipped into the attached T.G.I Friday's for a few appetizers and a brew. The Friday’s was the only place that served alcohol in the resort. Note: The Friday’s closes at 10:00 p.m. After some Yelping and talking to the bartender, we discovered that right across the road was the Thirsty Pony so our later needs were met. The Thirsty Pony is a quirky little bar that we'll be stopping by on all future visits to Sandusky—loved it!
On Saturday, we pulled our swimsuits (or as Andy would say, bathing costumes) over our lily-white-January skin and hit the water park. Andy, being Andy, wanted to tackle the tall slides first. We climbed the stairs to the Tropical Tube Slides and tucked in. The darkness of the tubes made it extra exhilarating as you didn’t know which way you were headed next. Yes, Andy might have went on these a few more times.
Next up was the Rendezvous Run, a water roller coaster propelled by water jets. You can really fly in this thing and I highly recommend taking a turn in both the front and back of the raft. This was certainly the most exciting feature of the waterpark. Even I wanted to go on more than once.
There’s also a wave pool, toddler’s have their own shallow pool and there are smaller slides just the right size for the little ones. The interactive Lookout Lagoon will either get you soaked or allow you to soak others—your choice!
I had to check out the huge hot tub, which has both indoor and outdoor sections. With the fresh snow and cool temps, the outdoor section made you feel like you were in Sweden. Really! Well, it reminded Andy of his time in Sweden, I’ve never been to the land of Ikea.
One word of warning: I went in the hot tub pretty soon after we arrived and didn’t want to get out. I kept trying but then I’d get cold (compared to the heat of the tub) and run back in like a little girl.
Our quick break to Castaway Bay was just what we needed to beat the winter blues and have some fun in the water.
So, how would you like to go to Castaway Bay? Win free entry!
I have a pack of 4 day passes to the waterpark to give away to one lucky reader. Will it be you? (The passes are valid through 10/28/12.)
How to enter:
Add a comment to this post with an answer to this question: If you were a castaway on a deserted island, what one non-electronic item would you bring with you?
You must leave your email address when leaving the comment or you won’t be eligible. (Your email won’t be published; I just need to contact you if you win!)
For an additional entry, tweet the following:
I entered to win tickets to #CastawayBay from @becksdavis & Detroit Moxie http://bit.ly/wP7oXb #moxiesplash
For the additional entry, you must have posted a comment.
The contest ends on Sunday, February 5, 2012 at 11:59, EST. The winner will be selected at random using random.org.
So, what non-electronic item would you like to have on deserted island?
Disclaimer: Castaway Bay invited my husband and me to the waterpark and provided us with one night stay and entry to the waterpark. The opinions and words expressed here are my own.

Reader Comments (41)
The most suped up Swiss Army knife!
Non-electronic? That's tough. A nice hatchet might do the trick. Maybe a friendly volleyball.
A filtered water bottle.
The hubby :)
I would probably bring a book!
I tweeted too!
It's been way too long since my last trip to Sandusky.
my trusty leatherman.
Definitely a lifetime supply of toilet paper, or Becks Davis. :)
A sailboat.
I would bring a Blanket, for those cool nights and can be use as a pillow or wrap around
Chapstick! Not only does it soothe windburn and prevent sunburn, but I learned how to use it as a candle :)
I would probably bring some type of knife - protection, help with food, cutting branches to make shelter, etc.
I think I would bring a swiss army knife...so many helpful little gadgets in there!
A book!
Oh my gosh, this looks FUN!!! Um, I am going to say a frying pan? Because you could 1) fend off predators 2) crack coconuts (I'm assuming there are coconuts) 3) cook your dinner. Perhaps Predator Coconut Helper.
I tweeted, too :) https://twitter.com/#!/BigBinderBlog/status/164758167056695296
A bag full of books! I'm deserted and would have tons of time to catch up on my reading.
I tweeted too!
A mirror to gaze upon my lovely image..or signal for help if I got bored..