Detroit Moxie's Weekend Roundup

The Nain Rouge?For the love of Al Gore, this summer weather in March in Detroit has been glorious! But something must be askew, no? A mild winter leading into a summer-like spring just can’t be right.
I predict that Mother Nature will have the last laugh and will hit us with a big, bad snow storm in April. And what day would be the absolute worst for that to happen? The weather for the Detroit Tigers home opener is almost always less than perfect. I’m also leaving on a jet plane that day so it would be horrible timing. I really hope it doesn’t happen and please don’t blame me if it does but... you heard it hear first.
Now, get out there and enjoy Detroit!
Weekend Roundup
1. Spacetimewarp - This science fiction themed art show at the Funhouse Gallery features over 30 local, national and international multimedia artists. Plus live music! Opening recteption - March 24th. Through April 28th.
2. Detroit Bike City - Cycle down to Cobo Hall for the bicycle show and swap meet. Over 100 vendors will be on hand to swap and sell. March 24th.
3. Guinness World Record Attempt for the Largest Synchronized Line Dance - Line dancing in Detroit? Sure, why not! Dancers at four different locations will be hustling to break a world record. March 25th.
4. Marche du Nain Rouge - This event is uniquely Detroit and shouldn't be missed! The Nain Rouge, a red dwarf who has cursed Detroit for more than 300 years, needs to be banished! March 25th.
5. 11th Annual Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade Weekend - The weekend is capped off with a parade through Greektown celebrating Greek culture. Opa! March 23-25.
Bonus: Troy Restaurant Week starts Sunday, March 25th.
Do you know of a great event going on in Metro Detroit this weekend? Add it to the comments and share it with us!
Reader Comments (1)
I miss the D so babd when I read this site! I adore the city of Detroit with all of my heart even though I no longer live there it never leaves me and Go Detroit Lions always!!!